Guild Leaders on Holiday until Tuesday 10th

Front page website news for the WildStar Guild.
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Guild Leaders on Holiday until Tuesday 10th

Post by Drazek »

Hello all!

Unfortunately your Guild Leader(Drazek) and Main Officer(Athaina) are on holiday until Tuesday 10th, so we won't be online much until then, however we will try to pop in over the weekend when we get some time to do so ;)

We urge all members new and existing to participate in the community! - Sign up to the UDF2 Forum, join our TS server, introduce yourselves and have fun!

Guild Recruitment is open to all whilst we are away, so if you have any friends that you wish to invite to the guild you should be able to do so! - also if you are playing on an alt and want a guild invite, please contact a member and they should be able to invite you to the guild.

Can i please request that all alt characters add a guild note to themselves stating which main you belong to?

Thanks all and see you soon!
My Rig: Intel i7-6700K Skylake @ 4.8GHz, 16GB DDR4, nVidia GTX 780 Ti x2 SLI.
My Characters: Drazek Ironwing, Launch Ironwing, Karmyne Ironwing.
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