Hey all! long time no post? - we've been busy playing SMITE and a bunch of other crazy games.
UDF2 will be getting back to business when this expansion hits, we want guild halls, we want guild vs guild, we want to bring back the days of Guild Wars 1!
so grab your friends and get the expansion, join us for some awesome shit! (did I mention there will be raiding? omfg finally!)
Heart of Thorns - UDF2 Revival!
Heart of Thorns - UDF2 Revival!
My Rig: Intel i7-6700K Skylake @ 4.8GHz, 16GB DDR4, nVidia GTX 780 Ti x2 SLI.
My Characters: Drazek Ironwing, Launch Ironwing, Karmyne Ironwing.
My Characters: Drazek Ironwing, Launch Ironwing, Karmyne Ironwing.